It is a generally accepted fact that slimming supplements that try to provide weight loss in just one way, appetite suppression for example, are usually outperformed by the ones that attack the problem of weight loss from two or more angles. Bauer have developed a new diet pill that is designed to cover all the bases and provides weight loss from all the angles possible. It’s called PhenQ and Bauer are marketing it alongside the promise that it provides the same benefits as multiple weight loss supplements all rolled into one pill.
We like the idea of one pill does all supplement, and Bauer even back their promises of weight loss with a 60-day money back guarantee, but we are still far from convinced Bauer’s two pill per day formula is really as good as they say it is, so we decided to take a closer look at it and see how everything pans out.
The Claims
- Unique new slimming product
- Designed to provide better results than other products
- Burn stored fat and uncover your dream body
- Suppress your appetite to help you eat less and reduce calories
- Blocks fat production to prevent weight gain
- Improves your energy levels and mood to provide hassle-free weight loss
Modus Operandi
The formulation tackles weight loss in five ways:
1. By Burning Fat
2. By suppressing the appetite
3. By Blocking Fat Production
4. By Boosting Energy Levels
5. By Improving the mood
The fact that the formulation is designed to provide so many benefits certainly makes it a “unique product” and if it can achieve all of the things it is supposed to it may provide “better results than other products”, and the promised “hassle-free weight loss”. So if the formulation can do everything it is supposed to all those bold claims may be true, but will the ingredients provide the necessary components the blend needs to achieve its aim?
Blend Appraisal
The main ingredient in PhenQ, is a proprietary blend called a-LACYS RESET that provides a patented mix of cysteine and alpha-lipoic acid. It is a relatively new ingredient, but it has already proven to be an effective weight loss provider, and one clinical trial recorded 3.8% increases in muscle mass and 3.44% decreases in body weight.
The main secondary ingredient is Capsimax Powder. This is also a proprietary blend and it combines the energy providing abilities of niacin with the fat burning powers of black pepper and capsicum extract (can increase calorie expenditure by 12 times).
The rest of the ingredients are:
- L Carnitine Furmarate: Enhances the mood
- Chromium Picolinate: A respected fat burner
- Calcium Carbonate: Shown to prevent the formation of new fat cells
- Caffeine: Provides extra energy and appetite suppression
- Nopal: Binds dietary fats so they cannot be digested
Everything suggests the blend should be able to provide the benefits it is intended to, and that’s good, but we next need to look at what past customers have to say about PhenQ.
Customer Statements
There’s not a lot to say here. The pills appear to work.
Usage Guidelines
Two capsules are needed per day. One with breakfast and one with lunch.
Health Considerations
PhenQ is unsuitable for anyone who is under the age of 18, for pregnant or nursing mothers, people who have existing health problems, or individuals who are taking medication.
Where to Buy PhenQ in Canada
A single bottle will last 30 days. Bulk buy incentives are available and there is a 60-day money back guarantee.