There is no such thing as a magic pill that can help you lose weight, but the use of a quality fat burning supplement can certainly speed up the weight loss process. Weight loss can be further accelerated when fat burners are used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, but good results will require good fat burning ingredients.
New fat burning ingredients are being discovered all the time, but at the time of writing this article we considered the following 10 ingredients to the ones most likely to deliver the best results.
a-Lacys Reset: A powerful blend of alpha-lipoic acid and cysteine that has a scientifically proven fat burning ability and has been known to help people to lose over 7% of their body fat. This is a main ingredient of PhenQ
Cayenne Pepper: also know as Capsimax Powder commercially – A powerful thermogenic fat burner that may continue to provide benefits for up to 24 hours after it has been consumed. The capsaicin provided by cayenne speeds up the metabolism and causes a slight elevation in body temperature that causes the body to begin releasing calories from its stores of fat. These “burned” calories are then lost from the body as heat. Also found in PhenQ
Green Tea: Green tea’s ability to increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation can be supported by the results of a clinical trial conducted on human volunteers at the University of Geneva. Numerous other studies are equally supportive of green tea’s abilities and it is often considered to be the best fat burner in the world. It is also an incredibly healthy ingredient and the antioxidants it provides can be good for limiting the damage caused by the free radical toxins found in some food.
Caffeine: Caffeine’s proven thermogenic fat burning ability has allowed it to become one of the most commonly used diet pill ingredients in the world. Caffeine also assists weight loss by providing extra energy, which can be useful for preventing diet-related fatigue. Some studies show it is also an appetite suppressant, so although caffeine is a good fat burner it is a whole lot more as well.
Garcinia Cambogia: A well-respected fat burning ingredient that is sourced from the rind of a tropical fruit. The active component is a chemical called hydroxycitric acid (HCA) that also has value as an appetite suppressant. However, experts state the ingredient can lack power if the HCA content is not at least 60%.
Raspberry Ketone: The results obtained from a number of scientific studies, including this one conducted in Korea, affirm raspberry ketone’s ability to alter lipid metabolism and accelerate fat burning. However, dieters should only choose products that contain fruit-derived raspberry ketone. The cheaper laboratory-produced version does not posses the same power.
Acai Berry: A fruit-fruit based ingredient that is known to be an excellent fat burner and also offers many additional health benefits including reduced food cravings, boosted metabolism, and detox.
African mango: African mango is a fruit derivative that contains plenty of natural fibre and nutrients. It is also highly regarded as a natural fat burner. After one scientific trial, where the study subjects were given 150mg of African mango seed extract two times per day, the researchers recorded “significant improvements” in waist circumference and body weight that were accompanied by a reduction in body fat. The subjects involved in other African mango studies successfully lost eight to ten pound without making any changes to their normal diet or exercise routine.
Green Coffee Bean Extract: A number of studies suggest the chlorogenic acid contained in green coffee beans has the ability to improve lipid metabolism. After one study, conducted in Korea, the scientists concluded: “Chlorogenic acid seemed to be more potent for body weight reduction and regulation of lipid metabolism than caffeic acid.” However, the ingredient’s popularity is probably more due to the fact that so many dieters say that it works.
Yohimbe: A fat burning alkaloid that is extracted from the bark of the African yohimbine tree. It has a long history of use as an aphrodisiac, but these days yohimbe is more commonly associated with weight loss. Several studies have been conducted that suggest it functions well as a fat burner and the data collected by researchers in California suggest the fat burning abilities of yohimbe can be enhanced by combining it with caffeine.